I’m using this 1200x 1200 Demmeler fixing & build table for the job of making chassis. The beauty of the 1200 table is that in a small shop, the 1200 x 1200 gives you the flexibility to add the angle brackets to accommodate a much larger project, even a whole car! When you are finished the angle, brackets store neatly into a trolley, according you the ability to claim back the real-estate around the table.
Using this flexible build system allows you to custom jig up the table to accommodate specific tasks, in this case it was the fabrication of the chassis. Once that job was complete I could re-configure the table to allow the fit of the gearbox, motor, suspension, and wheels. I could then start to fit the aluminum skin to the car and qualify fit and clearances around the chassis components, thus bringing the body and chassis as an integrated unit. This system gives you the flexibility to carry out a number of task (in some cases) all at the same time. The most important part was that I no longer have to enter into a whole other exercise of making individual brackets to support the initial project of tooling up to build a chassis, the tooling supplied with the Demmeler table is comprehensively universal in its nature allowing great flexibility and adaptability from project to project.
I started by giving Leussink Engineering a handwritten drawing of the chassis. The drawing provided side and plan elevation dimensions, of the main rails, and its crossmembers through the length of the chassis. On the basis of this information Demmeler Australia (Luessink Engineering) were able to plot and configure, though a computer CAD configuration program, where it was best to place v-blocks that support the main rails through its length, and various brackets to support the correct aligning of the cross-members in relation to its location through the overall length of the chassis. Demmeler typically make and carry just about every known item to custom support the holding and fixing of components for welding and fabrication. To know more click on the attached link http://www.leussink.com.au/files/Demmeler%20Flyer%20-%20ExpertLine%20V1.pdf
See attached CAD file illustrations.